Monday, June 25, 2012

Welcome to The Bard Next Door's Blog!

Hello fellow geeks, and welcome to The Bard Next Door's blog site. This will serve as a central collection resource for information and posts related to The Bard Next Door, including our weekly or biweekly podcast and numerous blog posts that go into greater depth on podcast content or cover entirely separate pieces.

In this week's inaugural episode of The Bard Next Door, Randy & Daniel discuss the upcoming Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut, due for release on June 26th. Listen to Episode 1 right here or at the feed link on the right side of this page.

Approval for the iTunes store is pending, but if you'd like to subscribe right now to listen on your ios device or in iTunes, you can do so by following these simple steps:

1. Launch iTunes.
2. At the top, click Advanced -> Subscribe to Podcast.
3. Copy or type this into the box: 
(without the quotation marks).
4.  Click OK.
5. iTunes will begin downloading Episode 1 of The Bard Next Door, and you can update the podcast at any time to receive new content that has been released!

UPDATE: iTunes store has approved The Bard Next Door podcast! While the above struck-out instructions will still work, you can now find and subscribe to The Bard Next Door on iTunes directly through this link or just by searching on the iTunes store!

Follow The Bard Next Door on Twitter for various geek media updates and news as well as podcast and blog post updates, and 'like' our page on Facebook for even more exclusive updates!

Lastly, we'd love to hear your feedback on Episode 1 - Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut Part 1. What did you love about it? What did you hate? Give us your feedback here on the blog, on Facebook, or on Twitter!

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